Service and Support
Quick Self-Help: Online Support at Your Fingertips!
We take great pride in providing all our customers with industry-leading support. With our new easy-to-use online support system you gain instant access to all the top-tier features, tools, data, as well as new enhancements, quickly and conveniently.
Embracing the latest technology and striving to create an easy-to-use system for you, our client, we have moved the support pack online. Now you can access all the original features, plus many new enhancements, directly from our website.
This remarkable, easy-to-use system features the latest software technology powered by JG Electronics. It is automatically updated with real-time data, ensuring that you receive the most accurate information at all times.
Get access to
- Product instructions.
- Helpful videos.
- Cost & sales calculator.
- Product templates and so much more.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need technical support.
Login to unlock all features
Our support system is FREE for anyone who supports JG Electronics, allowing us to support you in return. The only requirement is that you register on our website, if not already, and all features will be available once you're logged in.  We would love to hear your feedback, as well as any suggested features or functionalities you would like to see.
Easy to use support system
How to access instructions, templates, how to videos, cost calculator and more
1. Click onto the online shop
Look for the "shop" button on our home page .Click on it and it will take you to our online store
2. Login or register account
Login to your account to access all of our free features, if you don't have an account already you will need to sign up for an account.Â
3. Login/register window to pop up
Enter the required credentials to login or register an account.Â
4. Login/register window to pop up
On the menu tab, look for consumables and click onto it. It will then drop down a list of consumables that you can choose.
5. Choose a product
Choose a product you're looking for. If you can't find it, try using the search bar and type in what you need.
6. Click on the product name
Click on the product you need, in order to view more details and features.Â
7. Scroll down until you see tabs
Scroll down to find the tabs for instructions, templates, cost & sales calculator, and more. Choose the tab you want.
Marketing Guide
Welcome to our marketing guide, created specifically to help you succeed with the systems you've purchased from JG ELECTRONICS. This isn't just another generic "how to" guide. Instead, it's a more personal resource, sharing the secrets we've used to build our successful business. We've also documented the mistakes we've made, so you can avoid them on your journey to success.
Download software links
When purchasing a system from us you would have received your cd key, please choose your Coral Draw edition accordingly.
Sawgrass printer utility for Windows and Mac
Download Silhouette studio for Windows (Download size: ±333MB)
Download Silhouette studio for Mac (Download size: ±390MB)